Sidekick Flat Bars vs. Sidekick Joyride Bars vs. Sidekick Handle: Which One to Choose?

Sidekick Flat Bars vs. Sidekick Joyride Bars vs. Sidekick Handle: Which One to Choose?

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What’s better than riding off on your favorite bike into a new adventure? Bringing your buddy along to share the journey with, of course! Our cargo and e-cargo bikes like the GSD, HSD, Quick Haul, and Short Haul are all designed to be passenger-ready for the likes of Batman and Robin, Sonny and Cher, Han Solo and Chewie, and…whatever you decide to call your fun-loving dynamic duo—or trio, in the case of you GSD folks!

As part of having fun is staying safe, your bike requires four elements in order to safely carry passengers: purpose-built rear seating, something for the passenger to hold onto, fixed foot support, and foot and leg protection from the spinning wheel.

If you happen to be looking for suitable rear passenger handlebars, we offer three such products—Sidekick Flat Bars, Sidekick Joyride Bars, and Sidekick Handle. But which one is right for you and your passenger’s needs?

Let’s take a look at these three handhold accessories as well as their respective unique features.


Sidekick Flat Bars

The Sidekick Flat Bars provide a firm, height-adjustable handhold for your passenger. These flat grab bars are securely mounted to the seatpost of your Tern cargo or e-cargo bike, and come with ergonomic grips for extra comfort.

One neat thing about the Sidekick Flat Bars is that a T-Tool integrated with 4, 5, and 6 mm Allen keys is elegantly stowed away in the right handle, so you’ll never be left without your tools if you’re ever in a flat tire situation and need to do a quick roadside repair.

Sidekick Flat Bars

Sidekick Joyride Bars

The Sidekick Joyride Bars securely mount to the seatpost of your Tern cargo and e-cargo bike and allow your passenger to sit back and enjoy the ride, as the U-shaped handhold is positioned closer to them and eliminates their need to lean forward or perform a long reach. Ergonomically-designed handles provide a comfy and easy grip, while extended side rails offer an added layer of protection for hands.

When paired with the Captain’s Chair, the Sidekick Joyride Bars create a semi-enclosed, supportive passenger cabin that doubles as a designated space for a 320 mm-wide crate to put all your groceries in. Use the same combo to install the Storm Shield on the GSD, or the Storm Shield Mini on the HSD, Quick Haul, and Short Haul to create a bike canopy that protects your passenger against the weathers. Check out this article for more info on using the Captain’s Chair plus Sidekick Joyride Bars combo to install the Storm Shield Mini. Although it’s written for the Storm Shield Mini, the same info applies to installing the larger Storm Shield using this combo.

Sidekick Handle

At first glance, the Sidekick Handle may remind you of something you see on a gymnastics pommel horse. Although you won’t be doing any flips or vaults on the back of your bike, this sturdy rear handhold offers your GSD or HSD passenger a secure grip during the ride. Its compact design also makes it easy for passengers to hop on the rear seat without any interference.

Different from the above two handholds which are attached to the seatpost, the Sidekick Handle is mounted to your bike’s rear rack. This allows the rider to freely adjust the saddle height according to their own needs (handy for a shared bike), even lowering it all the way down.

Installing and removing the Sidekick Handle is quick and simple—it’s secured via self-fastening straps, so no tools are needed. And as an added bonus, the Sidekick Handle provides a convenient handgrip for lifting the bike over small obstacles.

Sidekick Handle

Which handhold should I choose?

The Sidekick Flat Bars, Sidekick Joyride Bars, and Sidekick Handle all pair well with the Captain’s Chair and Sidekick Seat Pad to give your passenger something to hold onto for the duration of the trip. Which one to get will depend on the compatible bike model, the rider’s seating requirement (such as saddle height and suspension), the passenger’s preferred seating posture (more reclined or upright), and the type of setup you’d like to use.

Here’s a quick summary of the three handholds:

 Sidekick Flat BarsSidekick Joyride BarsSidekick Handle
 Sidekick Flat BarsSidekick Joyride BarsSidekick Handle
Mounting typeSeatpost (30.9 - 34.9 mm)Seatpost (30.9 - 34.9 mm)Rear rack
Ideal for
  • GSD
  • HSD
  • Quick Haul
  • Short Haul
  • GSD
  • HSD
  • Quick Haul
  • Short Haul
  • GSD w/ rigid seatpost
  • HSD w/ rigid seatpost
  • Orox
Recommended seat pairing


  • Captain’s Chair
  • Sidekick Seat Pad

Quick Haul & Short Haul

  • Captain’s Chair


  • Captain’s Chair*
  • Sidekick Seat Pad

Quick Haul & Short Haul

  • Captain’s Chair*


  • Captain's Chair
  • Sidekick Seat Pad


  • Sidekick Seat Pad

*Can add a Storm Shield or Storm Shield Mini, depending on your bike model and rider’s seatpost height requirement. We recommend the setup for riders approx. 170 - 190 cm (5’7” - 6’3”) tall, as the seatpost needs to be adjusted high enough for the Sidekick Joyride Bars to be approx. level with the bars on the Captain’s Chair to properly install the Storm Shield or Storm Shield Mini.

It’s essential to provide your passenger with the appropriate accessories to keep them safe and comfortable on the road. They’ll want to tag along for more rides, and you’ll ride lighter knowing they are well taken care of in the back. Happy adventuring together!

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