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Pannier Adapter Gen 1: What it is and Who Needs It

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This article refers to the Pannier Adapter Gen 1.

If you want to use your GSD to carry a kid in a child seat and also a pair of cargo-hauling panniers, there are a couple of things you need to keep in mind.

We'll cover the following topics in this article:

What is the Pannier Adapter?

The Pannier Adapter is a small nylon strap that may be required when using child seats together with Cargo Hold 37 or Cargo Hold 52 Panniers (in Bucket Mode) on a GSD. And it looks like this:

Pannier Adapter

The Pannier Adapter extends over the rear rack and connects the straps of panniers on either side of the bike, preventing them from dangling. Dangling straps may sound pretty harmless, but can be dangerous if they get caught up on something while you're riding—so it's always best to secure them.

So, to emphasize: the Pannier Adapter is designed to be used with Cargo Hold 37 Panniers or Cargo Hold 52 Panniers, and is only required in specific situations involving child seats.

Do I need a Pannier Adapter?

In short, if you have a GSD and want to use panniers and a child seat at the same time, you may need it—but it depends on your choice of panniers, and your child seat setup.

For the GSD Gen 2


If you have a GSD Gen 2, here's a breakdown of your options:

Cargo Hold 52 Panniers2 Yepp Maxi seatsYes (2)
1 compatible seatMaybe—depends on the seat
Cargo Hold 37 Panniers in frontmost position1 compatible seat (front or rear)No
Cargo Hold 37 Panniers in rearmost position1 compatible seat (rear)Yes (1)

The Cargo Hold 37 Panniers can be installed in two different positions on the GSD Gen 2. For more information, click here. And for more information on child seats for the GSD Gen 2, click here.

For the GSD Gen 1


If you have a GSD Gen 1, here are your options:

Cargo Hold Panniers2 Yepp Maxi seatsNo
1 compatible seatNo
Cargo Hold 52 Panniers2 Yepp Maxi seatsYes (2)
1 compatible seatMaybe—depends on the seat
Cargo Hold 37 Panniers2 Yepp Maxi seatsYes (1)
1 compatible seat (front)No
1 compatible seat (rear)Yes (1)

For more information on child seats for the GSD Gen 1, click here.

I don't have a GSD. Do I need a Pannier Adapter?

No. If you're carrying a child seat such as the Yepp Maxi, Yepp Nexxt Maxi or a Yepp 2 Maxi on a Tern HSD (Gen 1 or Gen 2), Quick Haul, or Short Haul, then your Cargo Hold 37 Panniers do not need a Pannier Adapter. You'll need to use your panniers in Bucket Mode, and connect the straps of the panniers on either side of the bike before installing the child seat:

What else do I need to know?

We strongly suggest testing the child seat before buying if you want to carry either kids AND use panniers at the same time. Different child seat brands and models may be compatible with your specific setup, but they may or may not require a Pannier Adapter. If unsure, please work with your Tern dealer and test your setup before riding.

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