
How to Safely Carry Passengers on the HSD Gen 2

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This article refers to HSD Gen 2 bikes. If you’d like to carry passengers on the HSD Gen 1, click here. If you’d like to learn more about carrying cargo on the HSD Gen 2 instead, check out this article.


What is the Tern Passenger System?

It’s a framework that includes all our passenger-carrying accessories, and always requires four elements plus an optional fifth element in order to safely carry passengers:


  1. Seating: Purpose-built rear seating, chosen according to the passenger's needs
  2. Handhold: Something for the passenger to hold on to, other than the bike itself
  3. Foot support: Fixed platforms or dedicated foot pegs on both sides of the bike
  4. Foot and leg protection: Something to prevent feet and legs from getting caught in the spinning wheel
  5. Double kickstand (optional): Dual-leg kickstand with a wide stance that keeps a bike standing firmly on the ground, providing extra stability when loading and unloading a young passenger

What is the HSD’s load capacity?

  • The HSD has a Max Gross Vehicle Weight of 180 kg (397 lb) and its rear rack is rated to carry up to 80 kg (176 lb).
  • The HSD can carry one kid or one adult passenger up to 75 kg (165 lb).

Passenger Setups

1 young kid

See child seat manufacturer's age and weight recommendations


  • Seating: 1 compatible child seat*
  • Double kickstand (optional): DuoStand

*Child seats should always include the required elements for safe passenger carrying: seating, safety harness, foot support, foot and leg protection.

1 big kid

18 - 55 kg (40 - 121 lb)


1 older kid or 1 adult

26 - 75 kg (57 - 165 lb)


1 adult

Up to 75 kg (Up to 165 lb)


All-Weather Riding

The Clubhouse Fort Mini is a great solution for carrying one kid in all kinds of weather, either in or out of a child seat. The Clubhouse Fort Mini is comprised of the following accessories:

Note: Children can vary widely in maturity and physical development. These passenger weight guidelines represent our recommendations and you should adapt them as needed for the safety of your child. Please ensure your passenger setup is within the weight limits described below. As always, please follow local regulations regarding passengers and safety equipment.

For Your Pet

For many of us, the dog is part of the family. If you’re looking for a specially-designed solution to carry your buddy, we recommend building the Doghouse Mini, for which you need the following accessories:

What is Max Gross Vehicle Weight?

The Max Gross Vehicle Weight (MGVW) is the maximum weight that a bike has been designed to safely carry. This means the weight of the Bicycle* + Accessories + Rider(s)** + Cargo + Trailer*** must be less than the MGVW for safe riding.

What is mass gross vehicle weight (MGVW)

*Bicycle = Refers to the weight of the bike plus battery.
**Rider(s) = Refers to the weight of the cyclist and any passengers.
***Trailer = Refers to the weight of the trailer with no braking system AND the weight of any cargo or passenger(s) on the trailer. Trailers with a braking system should NOT be included in the MGVW calculation.

How much passenger weight can I carry on a HSD?

Step 1: Ensure the rear rack load (passenger + accessory + cargo) is under 80 kg (176 lb).

Step 2: HSD passenger weight < 180 kg (397 lb) - Bicycle* - Accessories - Rider - Cargo - Trailer

HSD riders have to do two calculations.

  1. The HSD has an MGVW of 180 kg (397 lb), but its Atlas H rear rack is rated to carry loads of 80 kg (176 lb). As the rear rack has a separate load limit, first ensure that everything carried on the rear rack is under 80 kg.
  2. Also, make sure that the total weight of passenger + rider + HSD + any installed accessory + cargo + trailer is less than 180 kg.

If you are towing a trailer, don’t forget to also subtract the weight of the trailer and any cargo or passenger(s) on the trailer. Please note that trailers with an independent braking system should not be included in the MGVW calculation.

*Bicycle = weight of the bike plus batteries

Some friendly reminders

  • Most riders can comfortably carry 80% of their body weight. If you’re not used to carrying passengers or cargo, we recommend you practice in a quiet area and gradually carry more as you become more comfortable. Check out our HSD Cargo Guide for more advice.
  • Please check your local cycling regulations to make sure carrying passengers on a bike is legal in your area.
  • Helmets are cool. Both rider and passenger are advised to wear an approved helmet.
  • Do not leave children unattended on the bike, even if it is on the kickstand.
  • こちらの記事は海外向けとなります。日本国内においては安全基準上推奨いたしません。(The contents of this article are not recommended for the Japanese market.)


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