Using a Child Seat on the HSD Gen 1

Using a Child Seat on the HSD Gen 1

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Heads up!

This article mentions third-party child seats that are not manufactured by Tern. Please note that child seat designs might change, and that their manufacturers may choose to maintain the same product name even after the design has changed.

For your safety, always consult with your bike dealer, or with the child seat manufacturer or reseller, to make sure you have the right seats to safely carry your kid(s).

To safely carry a very young child on your HSD, you’ll need a child seat. This article will discuss child seat compatibility with the HSD, including which child seats are compatible with Tern panniers. We’ll also present guidelines for safe child seat use.

Which child seats fit the HSD?

Lots of different child seats can be installed on the HSD. We especially like the Thule Yepp Maxi, and many of our riders seem to as well. But if you have a different child seat model you prefer, it may very well fit. Check the manufacturer’s guidelines before purchasing to be sure.

But keep in mind, the fact that a child seat can be installed on the HSD does not guarantee that it’s compatible with Tern panniers. Read on to learn more about child seat-pannier compatibility.

Which child seats work well with Tern panniers and pannier baskets?

We’ve done a little in-house experimentation to determine which popular child seats can be used simultaneously with the Tern panniers and pannier baskets that fit the HSD.

For the Cargo Hold 37 Panniers

The following child seats allow full use of the Cargo Hold 37 Panniers without the Pannier Adapter:

  • Thule Yepp Maxi (must be installed in the first window of the rear rack)
  • Thule Yepp Nexxt Maxi
  • Bobike Go
  • Burley Dash RM
  • Hamax Caress


If the child seat you like isn’t on this list, it may still work. However, you might need the Pannier Adapter to make it happen.

For the Bucketload Panniers

For the Bucketload Panniers, the Thule Yepp Maxi is our top choice. Other child seats we tested interfered with parts of the Bucketload Panniers (although in a few cases, the interference was minor).

For the Kontti Basket

For one or more Kontti Baskets, compatible options include the Thule Yepp Maxi (must be installed in the first window of the rear rack) and the Hamax Caress. Other child seats we tested interfered with the HSD’s frame lock when paired with the Kontti Baskets. If you’re considering another seat, be sure to try it with the Kontti Baskets before purchasing, and check whether you can use the frame lock.

Can I put a child seat somewhere besides the rear rack?

No, we don't recommend using child seats that attach to places other than the rear rack (e.g., handlepost- or seatpost-mounted seats).

We haven't tested these types of seats with the HSD, and they may pose safety risks. Please see this article for more information.

Can I carry two or more children on the HSD?

Sorry, no again. The HSD is designed to carry one passenger and hasn’t been tested with two or more passengers. 

We understand it can be tempting to try to squeeze on an extra kid, but the risk of an accident greatly outweighs any convenience you might gain.

What else should I know about using child seats safely?

A few important points:

1. Foot support and leg protection are required.

All passengers require both foot support and leg protection to ride safely. If the child seat you choose doesn’t include leg rests that can fulfill both functions, you’ll need the Sidekick Footrests for foot support and the Sidekick HSD Wheel Guard for leg protection. If your child isn’t tall enough to reach the Sidekick Footrests, make sure your child seat comes with leg rests or foot pegs.

2. Never leave child passengers unattended.

Children in child seats (or on any other form of seating) should never be left unattended on the bike, even if it is on the kickstand. A wriggling child can upset the balance of the bike. A fall may result in serious injuries.

3. Helmets for everyone!

We recommend that any rear passenger, whether in a child seat or not, wear a helmet. And while you’re at it, we recommend that the rider wear one, too.

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