2017-07-05 Tern Amsterdam-3109_1600x900.jpg

How to Safely Carry Passengers on the GSD Gen 1

Updated on 

Heads up!

This article mentions third-party child seats that are not manufactured by Tern. Please note that child seat designs might change, and that their manufacturers may choose to maintain the same product name even after the design has changed.

For your safety, always consult with your bike dealer, or with the child seat manufacturer or reseller, to make sure you have the right seats to safely carry your kid(s).

This article refers to GSD Gen 1 bikes. If you'd like to carry passengers on the GSD Gen 2, click here.

To read it in other languages, click here.

Tern Passenger System

The Tern Passenger System is a framework that includes all our passenger-carrying accessories, and always requires four elements in order to safely carry passengers:

  1. Seating: Purpose-built rear seating, chosen according to the passenger's needs
  2. Handhold: Something for the passenger to hold on to, other than the bike itself
  3. Foot support: Fixed platforms or dedicated foot pegs on both sides of the bike
  4. Foot and leg protection: Something to prevent feet and legs from getting caught in the spinning wheel

The GSD has a max. gross vehicle weight* of 200 kg (440 lb) and can carry up to two kids or one adult passenger.

Passenger setups

1-2 young kids

See child seat manufacturer's age and weight recommendations

1 compatible child seat; 2 Thule Yepp Maxi seats*

*Child seats should always include the required elements for safe passenger carrying: seating, safety harness, foot support, and foot and leg protection.

1-2 big kids

18+ kg

  • Seating and handhold: Clubhouse
  • Foot support: Sidekick Lower Deck
  • Foot and leg protection: Sidekick Wheel Guard, L OR Cargo Hold Panniers

1 young kid + 1 older kid

Young kid: See child seat manufacturer's age and weight recommendations

Older kid: 33+ kg

  • Seating: Thule Yepp Maxi seat (rear), Sidekick Seat Pad (front)
  • Handhold: Sidekick Joyride Bars
  • Foot support: Sidekick Lower Deck OR Sidekick Foot Pegs
  • Foot and leg protection: Sidekick Wheel Guard, L OR Cargo Hold Panniers

1 older kid OR 1 adult

26+ kg


  • Seating: Captain's Chair OR Sidekick Seat Pad
  • Handhold: Sidekick Joyride Bars (older kid) OR Sidekick Flat Bars (adult)
  • Foot support: Sidekick Lower Deck OR Sidekick Foot Pegs
  • Foot and leg protection: Sidekick Wheel Guard, L OR Cargo Hold Panniers

Note: Children can vary widely in maturity and physical development. These passenger weight guidelines represent our recommendations and you should adapt them as needed for the safety of your child. Please ensure your passenger setup is within the weight limits described below. As always, please follow local regulations regarding passengers and safety equipment.

What is Max Gross Vehicle Weight?

Max Gross Vehicle Weight (MGVW) is the maximum weight that a bike has been designed to safely carry. This means the weight of the Bicycle* + Accessories + Rider(s)** + Cargo + Trailer*** must be less than the MGVW for safe riding.

What is mass gross vehicle weight (MGVW)

*Bicycle = Refers to weight of the bike plus batteries

**Rider(s) = Refers to weight of the cyclist and any passengers

***Trailer = Refers to weight of the trailer with no braking system AND weight of any cargo or passenger(s) on the trailer. Trailers with a braking system should not be included in the MGVW calculation. 

Why does this matter?

It comes down to safety. By adhering to the bike's MGVW guidelines, riders can feel confident that the bike can safely handle the total weight in all riding conditions.

How much passenger weight can I carry on a GSD?

How much can the GSD carry?

To determine the maximum passenger weight you can carry on the GSD, use the formula above. The GSD has a MGVW of 200 kg (440 lb). From that, simply subtract the weight of the GSD and any installed accessories, the weight of the rider, and the weight of all the cargo being carried. 

If you are towing a trailer, don't forget to also subtract the weight of the trailer and any cargo or passenger(s) on the trailer. Please note that trailers with an independent braking system should not be included in the MGVW calculation. 

Friendly Reminders

  • Most riders can comfortably carry 80% of their weight. Determine if you are comfortable carrying that much weight.
  • Check your local regulations to make sure carrying passengers on a bike is legal in your area.
  • Helmets are cool! Rider and passenger(s) are advised to wear an approved helmet.
  • Do not leave children unattended on the bike, even if it is on the kickstand.

Note: This article on child seats, along with other guides and how-to articles on this site, are intended to serve only as a helpful resource for Tern bicycle owners. They are for informational and educational purposes only and should be used at your own risk. Consult with your authorized Tern dealer for professional advice and assistance specific to your bicycle.

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