Link C7
Transportarse con una bicicleta siempre tiene un beneficio – controlas tus horarios. No tenés que ver informes de tránsito o irte antes de tiempo para conseguir estacionamiento. La bicicleta portable Link C7 va un paso adelante gracias a su diseño plegable y portátil así que no tendrá que preocuparse si estará donde la dejó atada cuando sea tiempo de ir a otro lugar.
- 20"
Product Reviews
Camper Vans...der Faltmechanismus klappt einfach und schnell. [...the folding mechanism works easily and quickly.]
BiciclubLa primera sorpresa que me llevé fue el proceso de armado y desarmado. Es rápido, es simple, no demanda fuerza ni pericia mecánica alguna. [The first surprise for me was the process of folding and unfolding. It's fast, simple, and does not require any mechanical strength or skill.]
Verträglich ReisenEs lässt sich auf der Anreise in jedem Fernzug mitnehmen und vor Ort im gut getakteten ÖPNV. [You can easily take it with you on any long-distance train, as well as local public transport.]
WIREDTern bikes in general are well appointed, and feature some impressive construction that makes for a comfortable ride that rivals more expensive folders.
*Note: These are our standard model specifications. The bike's weight and folded dimension may not include racks and fenders. The specifications for your country may differ slightly. We do our best to ensure that the specifications listed here accurately reflect the exact parts found on our production bikes. However, component changes do occur for various reasons and there may be brief delays on site updates. We reserve the right to make component changes without prior notification, which may cause discrepancies with the information listed on the web.