Schwalbe® Big Apple Tires
Cush for your tush
Big Apples are special because they’re fast rolling AND super comfy. Sounds hard to believe but you’ll just have to take them for a ride to become a believer.
Faster Rolling
Wide tires roll better than skinny tires at the same tire pressure. Yes, it’s true! Big Apples are extra special because they use a light and flexible tread and sidewall for extra low rolling resistance.
Wide for Comfort
Super-wide Big Apple tires are like 2" of super-efficient suspension. They roll smoothly over drainage grates, train tracks and potholes with little complaint.
Puncture Protection
Big Apples feature a Kevlar belt to protect from punctures.
Reflex for Safety
Each Big Apple tire features a reflective stripe so you are immediately, and obviously, visible to cars approaching from the side.